Boughton Village Caravan
An entertainments group has been formed in Boughton under the banner of “The Boughton Village Caravan”. The purpose of forming a committee is to allow access to cinema equipment and grants etc. from organisations that will only recognise formally constituted committees. The Group is not intended to be exclusive. All members of the village are welcome to attend meetings and to get involved.
The aims of the group are to provide funds for the maintenance of the Village and the Church and to help promote community spirit.
Click here to see the Boughton Caravan Constitution
Boughton Village Caravan Events |
Meeting Minutes of the Boughton Village Caravan
August 2006
September 2006
November 2006
January 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
AGM - August 2007
August 2007
October 2007
December 2007
February 2008
May 2008
AGM - August 2008 - To Be Issued
August 2008
September 2006
November 2006
January 2007
March 2007
April 2007
June 2007
AGM - August 2007
August 2007
October 2007
December 2007
February 2008
May 2008
AGM - August 2008 - To Be Issued
August 2008
Previous Boughton Village Caravan Events | |
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Moth Breakfast, Boughton Fen, 27th July 2008
At 8am on a sunny Sunday about thirty adults and children arrived at Boughton Fen to view the moths that had been collected in a moth trap overnight. Karl Charters from the Norfolk Wildlife trust identified over a hundred species, some of which were beautiful. We were all amazed at the variety we saw. We then travelled back to Tapestry Cottage, Boughton, where another box was set up overnight and 40-50 species were found, eight being different from those at the Fen. Our next stop was at Hope House, Boughton where a delicious breakfast was waiting for us. Our grateful thanks to Sue and Emad George for their hospitality and to everyone who helped in any way to make this an interesting and enjoyable event. Diana Beeson and Wendy Baines |
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Easter Egg Hunt, Boughton, Easter Sunday March 23rd 2008
On Easter Sunday the Easter Bunny made a special trip to Boughton to guide children around the village on a special egg hunt. Around 18 children and accompanying adults braved the snow and followed the clues to the magic wood where they hunted for eggs to place in their baskets. On return chocolate eggs were handed out to all of the children for their endeavours and the assembled crowd were treated to hot chocolate to help warm cold hands and feet! Simnel Cake was also delivered to some of the senior residents of the village on behalf of the Boughton Village Caravan. Many thanks to all those who helped leading up to and on the day and of course a big thank you to the Easter Bunny for coming along. Kevin Fisher |
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Coastal Walk, Brancaster Staithe, 10th February 2008
An excellent walk started from the Jolly Sailors, by 22 Boughton and 3 Barton Bendish people. The weather was superb with temperatures around 16degC. We had changing scenery at each stage of the 5.5 miles anti-clockwise route, taking us through the site of the Roman Fort of Branodynvm. Then up along a gentle gradient heading inland and descending through a delightful wooded area taking us back to the coast, heading west along the Peddars Way, close to creeks and boats. Finally back to the Jolly Sailors where we had an excellent lunch in very good company outside in warm sunshine. May I thank Sue and Mark, on behalf of us all for organising this event. Bill Beeson |
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Quiz Night, 19th January 2008
Dr. Emad Geoge and Dr. Tim Webster hosted this event for the BVC with proceeds going towards the purchase of Easter Eggs for children at the Boughton Easter Egg Hunt in March 2008. Emad and Tim provided the basis of a thoroughly enjoyable evening with some serious rivalry being demonstrated by the participating teams. The atmosphere at these events continues to improve with each one and much of this is down to the very professional approach taken by Emad and Tim utilising technology aids such as computers, projectors and ipods enabling a diverse of questions to be asked using pictures and audio clips. A big well done also goes to Susan George and Mrs Webster for undertaking the unenviable task of scoring each round at such a fast pace! Kevin Fisher |
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Boxing Day Walk, 26th December 2007
Over 20 intrepid souls gathered on Boxing Day morning to help walk-off the Christmas Day excesses. The distance covered was approximately 3 miles with each of the three village walks being experienced. Organised by Andrew and Angela Faherty, the walk was completed with their generosity by offering a glass (or two, or three!) of Christmas Cheer on the Village Green afterwards. Kevin Fisher |
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Boughton Illuminations, 24th December 2007
This was the second year of the Boughton Illuminations. Again the pond looked beautiful with the luminaria surrounding it. This year there was the addition of lanterns hanging in the trees, and the floating lights in the middle of the pond provided a lovely focal point. The crowd that gathered were treated to complementary mulled wine, warm apple juice, sausage rolls, hot chestnuts, chocolates and Father Christmas handing out glow necklaces to the children. When thinking about who to thank for making this evening so special, I realized there were over 20 people from the village who had contributed - too many to name individually! All your efforts were very much appreciated by the many who enjoyed the event. £70 was raised. The £220 raised from both events will be donated to the local children’s hospice at Quidenham. The Church has kindly agreed to donate £90 from the Crib Service collection so that the total donated is £310. I have been in contact with the hospice at Quidenham and they have asked me to pass on their thanks to everyone involved. The money raised will buy 44 meals for terminally ill children and their families. Susan George |
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Wine Tasting Evening, 27th November 2007
Another wonderful event hosted by Giles Luckett and ably assisted by members of the BVC. Yet again Giles' intimate knowledge and considerable experience in the Wine industry led us on a veritable treasure trove of fine wine quaffing and sampling. The following that Giles is now attracting is testament to his knowledge, patter and opinions and helps ensure that these are successful evenings. This popularity means that you should be ordering your tickets well in advance for future events as places are strictly limited. The proceeds from this event have been used to support Plan International with the money being used to provide a teacher. |
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Bubbles on the Green, 4th August 2007
Despite initial concerns over the weather – would we need to beat a hasty retreat to the church? – the sun shone and it was a warm and pleasant evening on the village green. Giles Luckett was, as usual, hugely entertaining and informative, giving a brief history of Champagne (all due to us Brits, of course!) with only minor heckling from the ducks. A near capacity crowd enjoyed a variety of Sparkling Wines and Champagne, accompanied by strawberries and brioche, ably served by Carol, Andrew, Angela, Kevin, Debbie and Olllie. Many thanks to them all. Peter & Jane Kilian |
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RSPB Talk and Walk Evening, 23rd June 2007
We had a wonderful time at the RSPB evening listening to Leigh Cousins telling us about birds, how they live in our gardens, on farms and in the fields in our countryside. They like to live in hedges, in trees and near water. We have to look after the environment for them so as not to kill them off. Just imagine what it would be like without any birds - no singing in the mornings and a very quiet countryside. We went outside to listen to the birdsong but unfortunately it was raining so we could not stay long but Leigh could still hear some birds and pointed out which they were. We all enjoyed our evening very much. Emma Barker (aged 9) Granddaughter of Frank and Sandy Reid |
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Hugh Lupton Story Telling Evening - The Mardling Acre, 12th May 2007
A most enjoyable evening was had by all at 'The Mardling Acre', a performance by story teller Hugh Lupton in All Saints' Church, Boughton. The stories were a mixture of fact and fantasy, and everyone was gripped by the flowing narratives. The story of Jenny Wing, an old lady known to Hugh Lupton, and the adventures she had with her father after thieves stole their horses, was particularly gripping. As Hugh described the way her father called to his horses, the spine tingled! Thanks to the Boughton Village Caravan who worked to make it an enjoyable evening. Pam Wakeling |
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10 Pin Bowling - Marham, 14th April 2007
An excellent evening was had at the Marham 10 Pin Bowling Alley. A number of villagers made the short journey for two frames of 10 pin bowling, beers and food. Organised by Andrew and Angela Faherty the evening was a huge success helping to create community bonding. Highest score of the evening goes to Barry Ovel. Kevin Fisher |
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Beer Tasting Evening 27th January 2007 - Cheers Boughton!
Since arriving in Boughton we have found that behind the facade of "times gone by" tranquillity a lot of activity goes on. It has come as a pleasant surprise, through talking to some of you and reading G4N, to realise how active and supportive the community is. We look forward to participating in various events in the future. Talking of which, we spent a very enjoyable evening at the Beer Tasting hosted by Tony Hook of the Wissey Valley Brewery on 27th January, organised by the Boughton Village Caravan. It was a fascinating insight into the origins of beer production and consumption. Whilst neither Peter nor I are connoisseurs, we were both very impressed with the beers on offer, particularly the dark mild and an orange flavoured light beer. Our thanks to all of you who have given us such a warm and friendly welcome. We feel very at home already. Pam & Peter Youel @ The Cottage |
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New Mexican Cookery Demonstration - 20th January 2007
On Saturday 20th January 2007 I enjoyed the afternoon exploring the delights of New Mexican cookery, together with nine others. I am sure that they would join with me to express their thanks to Mark Solomon who shared many recipes with us at his home in Boughton. We were encouraged to participate with the making of many dishes and saw lots of ways to use chillies. At the finale we had a meal together trying all the dishes we had prepared. To accompany this we made 3 drinks concocted from rice, tamarind and hibiscus. The proceeds from this great event are going to Stoke Ferry Primary School. Wendy Baines |
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Christmas Wine Tasting, Saturday 9th December 2006
This event was hosted by Giles Luckett, ably assisted by Carol. Giles is a man with considerable experience in the Wine industry, his CV including Harrods and Laithwaites. His enthusiasm and expertise were evident as he treated us to six fine wines, starting with a refreshing New Zealand sparkling rose and ending with a superb chilled port, all purchased from Tesco’s in Downham Market. Each was accompanied by Giles’ no-nonsense opinions together with tips of the trade. The event was excellent value and it is good to know that Giles is planning a further tasting of Wines for Spring on March 24th. |
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Christmas Cookery Demonstration - Food, glorious food!, 28th November 2006
Excellent festive fayre was tasted by all who attended the Cookery Demonstration on 28th November. Thanks must deservedly go to Angela Lankfer for providing a fun packed evening and Susan George for allowing us the use of her kitchen! It is hoped to organise a similar event based on a BBQ theme in the summer months. Debbie Fisher |
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Stargazing Night 14th October 2006
This was the first event run by the Boughton Village Caravan, and bodes well for the future. It was extremely well organized, with authentic French cheeses to die for! It was unfortunate that the skies were clouded, and we couldn’t go out to view the stars at first hand. This meant rather longer than intended, I’m sure, sitting on hard church pews – an excellent indication that more comfortable seating would be a good idea! There were four talks, including one on the light pollution caused by thoughtlessly placed security lamps and street lights. We are fortunate in Boughton that there is relatively little light pollution and normally we have a good view of the stars. Many thanks to the people who organised the evening, and perhaps we can have another attempt at ‘hands-on’ viewing next year, and accommodate the people in the village who were unable to get tickets this time. It is good to have a group in the village who are keen to get things going, and use the only facility we have – the church building. Pam Wakeling |