
Date of Meeting:             Friday 29TH February 2008 at Barley House Annexe

                                             Meeting opened at 8.05pm


Present:                              Chairperson: Andrew Faherty (ACF)

                                             Vice Chairperson: Sandy Reid (SR)

                                             Secretary: Peter Agate (PA)

                                             Treasurer: Angela Faherty (AJF)

                                             Publicity Officer: Debbie Fisher (DF)

Kevin Fisher (KF) Frank Reid (FR)  

Mark Pogmore (MP) & Sue Pogmore (SP)

Susan George (SG) Pete (PK) & Jane Killian (JK)



1)     Apologies:          Lynne Agate (LA) & Emad George (EG)

Pauline Bradley (PB) & Bryan Bradley (BB)


2)     Minutes of Meeting of 21st December 2007

Minutes accepted.


3)     Matters Arising

Where applicable discussed under appropriate heading.


4)     Election of Chairperson & Vice Chairperson

Both positions up for re-election.  Chairperson: ACF proposed by FR, seconded by KF. Vice Chairperson: SR proposed by FR seconded by KF.   All agreed.


5)     Treasurers Report

Financial report issued. Opening balance £1,173.36. After adding receipts from the Quiz Night, and interest, and deducting costs of Plan International donation, the Pride of Norfolk Plaque and insurances the balance is £860.23


6)     Insurance - Health & Safety Policy (ACF/KF)

A signed copy of the Health & Safety Policy issued to all committee members present along with a blank Risk Assessment form.  ACF explained that the event ‘organiser’ should initially complete the RA and return to one of the three named individuals for final review.


AJF has doubled the number of voluntary helpers from 20 to 40 to ensure adequate cover under the Employers Liability section of the BVC insurance.  This has arisen because we had 25 persons assisting with the Illuminations.


7)     Pride in Norfolk. 2007/2008

2008 Submission previously circulated by KF.  KF to work on final version for submission to EDP by 21/4/08.

KF has procured the plaque celebrating the finalist place in 2007 and showed those present.  Thanks to KF and DF for overseeing.  Agreed to present the plaque to the Parish Council, date TBA.


8)     Post Events Review

24th December 2007 Boughton Illuminations (SG) Event went well. Consider additional lighting next year around the refreshments. Also designate two/three individuals to assist in helping clearing up the church after the event.

26th December 2007 Boxing Day Walk (ACF) Well attended. Thanks to ACF & AJF for the drinks after the walk.

19th January 2008 Quiz Night (EG) Thanks to EG for the magnificent effort in organising the quiz. Raised £150 plus £100 from the raffle to purchase eggs and cakes for the Easter Egg hunt.  ACF informed those present that due to other commitments EG has retired from hosting any future quiz although he is willing to assist should anyone else be willing to host.

10th February 2008 Bracing Brancaster Walk (MP/SP) Well attended, and the pub lunch was excellent.  All agreed would be willing to do again.


9)     Events Update

8th March 2008 Fisherman’s Tales (PA) PA spoke to Maurice Whitting this week, all ok, will bring along fishing equipment etc to show.  Church to be cleaned Friday morning SR/AJF.  Refreshments to be arranged PJA.   Punch by SR.   Raffle prizes needed.

23rd March 2008 Easter Egg Hunt (SG) Wooden eggs purchased.  Painting ongoing, ALL.  Clues to be prepared SR/FR.  Easter Bunny to run about. Pre-meet to be held Sunday 16th 10.00 am. at Hope House.  Easter eggs to be purchased DF.  Simnel cakes to be purchased and distributed SR.

26th April 2008 Village Drive Sale (AJF) PA to prepare signs.  Consider BBQ facility on the morning? Pitches selling steadily.  Waffle van a possibility ACF to enquire further.   AJF to make contact with WVB and an Antique stallholder from Stoke Ferry re possibility of setting up stalls.  AJF also explained the restriction imposed by our insurance company regarding the sale of second hand electrical items.  Every participant will be notified of restrictions.  Pre-meet on Saturday 12th April on The Green 10am.

13th September 2008 Ceilidh/Pumpkin Weigh In (DF/AJF) Weigh-in 5.30pm on the Green.  Band to be secured DF.  Consider WVB for BBQ & drinks?   Ask Beachamwell & Tam Payne for info on previous similar events.


10)  Other Events Pending

Village History (KF/MS) KF still wishes to pursue.

Wine Tasting (AJF) – Proposed for Summer Solstice 21st June 2008, all agreed.   AJF to liaise with GL.

Norfolk Feast (SG) An evening event with a Norfolk menu – 2009?

The architecture of Boughton Church (SG) – consider making contact with an informed individual to expound about the church.

Fungus Foraging (SG) – SG to pursue.

Hats-R-Us Afternoon/Mad Hatters Tea Party.  Invite PY to demonstrate some fine examples of millenary.  In the church?  DF to follow up.

Clay Pigeon Shoot – suggested by PK/GP.  Insurance considerations?  Experienced guns only?  PK to discuss further with GP.


Other Ideas Raised

Caribbean Event with Steel Bands (AJF)

Scarecrows in week of Open Gardens (PA) – East Anglian tradition and would allow child involvement.  Try for 2008.  PA will try to find expert to advise.

Stargazing telescope evening (SG) – Return visit sometime?  Difficulty in getting hold of NNAS.

Moth Breakfast/Dragonflies (SG) – SG still pursuing – summer?

Calendars (AJF) – If sufficient photographs taken of village then we could look again at the possibility of having a few calendars printed for 2009.  ALL to provide photos.

Richard Brooks, Wildlife Photographer. Does slide shows (AJF). David Mason in Barton Bendish also worth approaching (MP&SP).

Angela Lankfer afternoon BBQ demo.  DF will discuss with Angela.

Elgood’s Garden & Brewery Trip (MP) – Proposed for midweek in May/June 2008.

Horse Racing Video Evening – suggested by Ollie Robinson.  OR to pursue.

Lakenheath RSPB (FR) – FR to pursue contact.

Bluebell Walk (FR) - FR to arrange with Tam Payne.

Neil Spinks (SP) Wildlife enthusiast.

Games Evening (AJF)   A summer event, if not this year then next.

Treasure Hunt (PA) still ongoing but probably Autumn/Spring season.


11)  Group 4 News and Publicity Update (DF)

Full page advert in G4N for Drive Sale.  DF to pursue idea of BVC page in Village Pump.   Invitation notice for next meeting to be posted on the notice board DF.



12)  Any Other Business

Use of Barley House Annexe. – ACF thanked P&J for the use of the annexe for committee and (small) BVC events. BVC offered to pay for heating/light when in use. PJA suggested consideration of obtaining (electrical) heaters for use in the annexe.  Event ‘organiser’ to make contact with PK/JK to request permission to use the annexe.

Keeping the invitation alive (SG) Involving newcomers in events – handouts?

Thorpe Market (SG) – Consider return trip in 2009?

Church Cleaning (SG) – Consider rota? Possibly once a month/6 weeks? Propose 29th March – volunteers welcome.  SR to pursue.

Permanent Alcohol Licence (PJA) Not suitable for a group such as ours.

Flower Boxes (AJF) Placed under village signs on Stoke Road and top of Gibbet Lane.  ACF to investigate costs of galvanised steel boxes.

Fantasy football (EG) – Daily telegraph league EG happy to arrange, six persons interested so far.

Oxburgh Hall Jazz Evening 11th July 2008 – DF to arrange block ticket booking for BVC committee and their partners.



13)  Date of Next Meeting

Friday 2nd May 2008, 8pm. Barley House Annexe.



              Meeting closed at 22.54 pm.