Date of Meeting:        Friday 15th June 2007

                                    Meeting opened at 20.10


Present:                      Peter (PA) and Lynne (LA) Agate

Angela (AJF) and Andrew (ACF) Faherty

                                    Kevin (KF) & Debbie (DF) Fisher

Emad (EG) & Susan (SG) George

                                    Pauline (PB) & Bryan (BB) Bradley

Sandy Reid (SR)

Giles Luckett (GL)


Apologies:                  Frank Reid (FR)

                                    Moira Saunders (Mrs MS)

Mark (MP) & Sue (SP) Pogmore



1. Election of Secretary and Vice Chairperson                                                                                                       

The committee extended their thanks and appreciation to Emad and Susan for their valued contribution.  Peter Agate agreed to undertake the role as Secretary and Sandy Reid the Vice Chairperson role.

ACF reported that Mark Solomon had resigned from the committee, all expressed their appreciation of his involvement and contribution.


2. Minutes of Meeting of 6th March 2007

Minutes accepted.


3. Matters Arising

Discussed (Mrs MS) comments on last meetings minutes, the comments were noted although the group agreed the minutes were a true record of events.


4. Report from Treasurer (AJF)



5. Sound Equipment (KF)

Nothing to report.


6. Insurance for Events

Group has been advised by our insurance company to compile our own H & S policy, KF agreed to produce a draft to discuss with ACF.


7. Post Events Review

14th April 2007: Bowling (ACF)

3 lanes at Marham.  18 attended.  Everyone agreed it was a good night, good value and well worth repeating, although food did not meet with universal approval.


29th April 2007: Bluebell Walk (FR)

14 attended, most enjoyable. A donation of £50.00 sent to Water Aid following a collection after the event.  Our thanks were extended to the Payne family for allowing us access to the wood.


12th May 2007: Hugh Lupton Storytelling (SG)

Well attended.  Event had been widely advertised.  Portaloo ordered by MP at cost of £75, was deemed a success although an additional £25 was required to insure against Fire and Theft.  The event made a small loss (£34) but all who attended agreed it a very impressive and enjoyable performance.  As the event was attended by people from outside the village it was decided to re invigorate the mail shot in order to make these people aware of forthcoming events, SG to investigate.  ACF extended his thanks to all who contributed to the event.  


29th May 2007: Pride in Norfolk (KF)

DF / PA gave feedback from the EDP visit, Boughton was the first village to be visited on the day.  PA thought the village gave a positive impression.  The group extended their thanks to KF for his excellent submission.


8. Events Update

17 June 2007: Refreshments for Swaffham Pool Association Cycle Ride

Starts at 9.30.  To be placed by picnic table by pond.  Organisers will provide squash.  We can provide chairs.


23rd June 2007: RSPB Talk (FR)

FR and AJF met with Lee Cozens on 14th June and were impressed with her proposals.  24 tickets have been sold to date.  Lee Cozens of RSPB will bring sound equipment.  Group to check suitability of equipment for use at BVC events.  PA suggested Lee brings RSPB merchandise and information.  SR to organise food, PB offered to supplement.  Refreshments to be held afterwards in Church.  7p.m. start.  A donation to be sent to RSPB, amount to be decided post event, although all agreed a minimum of £50. 


4th August 2007: Champagne Tasting - Bubbles on the Green (GL)

GL keen to pursue, agreed date. Majestic have a 1/3 off sparkling wine at present so will order ASAP. Ticket to be priced at £ 10 each.  Agreed a maximum of 50 tickets with all monies up front.  DF to organise publicity.  Brioche, Strawberries/Raspberries considered to be a good idea.  GL to organise Temporary Events Notice with assistance from EG.  GL/DF to sell tickets.  


Fisherman’s Tales (ACF)

No further contact made, ACF passed to PA to pursue.  PA will try to attend a presentation by Maurice Witting and report back.


Ceilidh/ Barn Dance (DF)

No further progress, group decided this was to be deferred until next year. DF given further contacts


Society for the Protection of Architectural Buildings (PA)

PA has contacted the group however they are not active in this area and are therefore unable to provide a talk.


Christmas Wine Tasting (GL)

Set date for Saturday 24th November 2007.


Cinema (KF)

KF to investigate, possible trial run in October followed by a 'themed' screening in December/January.


Quiz Night (EG)

Confirmed date as 19th January 2008.  Venue Wereham?  EG requested money is allocated to a village project with a proportion going to a charity of his choice.


Village History (MS)

Although MS has resigned from the BVC he still wishes to conduct interviews in the summer, with the assistance of KF.


Carol Singing (SR/SG)

SR will set date in near future.


Luminarias (SG)

Would like to proceed with this event again although the insurance will not allow us to leave the luminarias burning all night.  SG to investigate further and possibility of hot chestnuts. 


Other Ideas Raised

Caribbean Event with Steel Bands (AJF)

Milliner’s event?

? August bank Holiday Jazz Picnic event –MP reports  has links with a band that would play for 3 hours at £60 per head.  ?next year

Scarecrows in week of Open Gardens (PA) – East Anglian tradition and would allow child involvement.  Try for next year.  PA will try to find expert to advise.

Stargazing - telescope evening (SG) – deferred to? March 2008

Moth Breakfast – set Moth traps then do morning tour and then have breakfast.  SG to explore for next year.

Origami evening

Calendars. AJF has quote from Dolphin Designs - £6 per calendar with no minimum run size.  Landscape desk calendar would be £3.  FR raised idea of calendar with drawings put together by children.

Richard Brooks Wildlife Photographer does slide shows (AJF).  David Mason in Barton Bendish also worth approaching (MP&SP)

?Angela Lankfer afternoon BBQ demo – FR to ask Paul Coulten.  DF will discuss with Angela.

Easter Egg Hunt next year or Treasure Hunt

Link Romania Shoebox Appeal– SG asking for help as now working full time.

Elgood’s Garden & Brewery Trip for 2008 (MP)

Racing Video Evening – suggested by Ollie.


9. Publicity Update (DF)

Decided to make use of the new publication ‘Speak up!’ to publicise events, DF to make contact.


10. Any Other Business



11. Date of AGM and next meeting

Friday 3rd August 8 pm at Winward



Meeting closed at 22.31