Minutes of the Boughton Parish Council meeting held on Friday 21st November 2008 in All Saints’ Church


Present: Frank Reid (chair), councillors Agate, Coulten, Pogmore, Saunders and Wakeling. Plus19 members of the public. Borough Councillor Colin Sampson was also in attendance.


  1. Apologies were received from councillor Proctor.
  2. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the two latest planning applications in respect of Hall Farm House, which involve removing the protected Horse Chestnut tree and converting the coach house into a dwelling, and the re-naming of roads in the Parish. The chairman stated that the owner of the house, Mr Coyne, had met with councillors at his request earlier in the day to discuss his plans. All members of the Parish Council were invited to attend this discussion.  Councillors Coulten, Reid, Pogmore and Proctor had been able to attend.  The first application dealt with demolition of part of the rear of the coach house and conversion into 2-storey house. This would involve removal of the horse-chestnut tree, which is subject to a preservation order, on the grounds that it is causing invasive damage. It would be replaced with a sweet chestnut.


 3 Mr Coyne was invited to attend this meeting but had declined


Councillors were asked individually to state their opinion of the proposals.

P. Agate – objects. TPO on tree, and the historical significance of the house, together with the unacceptability of the development plan.

M. Pogmore – objects. The tree does not need to come down; modern engineering techniques could deal with it; the aspect of the proposed building was not in keeping with the site.

P. Wakeling – objects. TPO and concurs with comments above

P. Coulten – opposed due to proposed felling of the Horse chestnut tree.

S. Saunders – opposed. Tree would not have TPO if it were dangerous

F. Reid – opposed. There was no engineers or other specialist input to support claims; concern over age of building dating back to 1700s, and alterations to these buildings.

M. Pogmore proposed, and S. Saunders seconded that the chairman and Councillor Agate would provide the council with draft submission for approval. Agreed.

Comment from floor: S. Pogmore – TPO may only just have been applied this year

E.George: concerns that it may become another residential property for sale / let. There was some confusion regarding the inclusion of a garage. Garage is to be included

 R. Wilkinson: concerns over use of coach house for lets/residential use

T. Madgwick: not always necessary to remove tree – ways of overcoming trees close to building

Borough Councillor Sampson: removal of tree may cause more damage to house if tree was removed. Change of use to holiday lets is not a change of use re planning.

 Public stated that density of population around Hall House would be increased by almost 20% of overall resident numbers in the village (pop. approx. 200 currently) and the village is united in objecting to level of development in such a small area. F. Reid pointed out that our strength is in our unity of purpose, and we should use this to best effect.


  1. Two Stoke Roads now designated in Boughton: Paul Coulten had taken this up with Mr Copeland of the Borough Council. The recently re-named road is in fact Stoke Rd The Fen. The residents of the Fen were quite happy with this. With regard to the previously reported address problem preliminary discussion indicated that the Council should write to Royal Mail, the Clerk has drawn up a draft letter to be signed by Council and residents, and a map of the area should be included.


  1. Mark Pogmore asked for council approval for the work on dip wells in Boughton Fen. All present were in agreement.