Draft minutes of the AGM of Boughton Parish Council held in All Saints’ Church on May 6th 2008



Councillors F. Reid, P. Wakeling, P. Agate, S. Saunders, P. Coulten, G.Proctor, M. Pogmore

Members of the public:  A. Proctor, P. Lee-Evans, E. Madgwick, T. Madgwick, M. Saunders, D. Cooper, K. Fisher, D. Fisher, AJ Faherty, A. Faherty, S. Pogmore, E.George, T. Mazur, F. Watkinson, P. Watkinson

Borough Councillor Colin T. Sampson


There were no apologies for absence.


  1. Election of Chairman

Frank Reid proposed by S. Saunders, seconded by M. Pogmore.  Carried


Pam Wakeling proposed by F. Reid, seconded by S.Saunders.  Carried.


  1. Minutes of the AGM of 14th May 2007 were read and agreed. Signed by F. Reid
  2. There were no matters arising.
  3. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 9th January 2008 were read and agreed.
  4. Matters arising: the land adjoining Wretton Road had been bought by Alan Wilkinson, and he would be approached re the possibility of planting trees for a public woodland. The minutes were then agreed and signed by the chairman.
  5. Retiring Chairman’s report: attached.  It was agreed to look into ways of making agreement re grass contract without a full meeting.  (SS/FR/PC)

Highways report (SS) Water was still running in Stoke Road.  Highways had reinstated the ‘grups’ and cleared the ditch on the right hand side. There was a possibility of piping the drain.

Dykes and Ditches (GP) The ditch by the church which had been blocked last year had been cleared and had been running.  The smell had now returned and would need further investigation.  The ditch from Church Lane to Crab Lane had been cleared and was now running without problems.

Road Signs (PA) attached. The village signs need refurbishing.  Concern was expressed that Boughton seems to be alone in not having an official sign for the village.  PA was to pursue this with the County Council and contact Councillor Sampson if this was fruitless. The opinion of the meeting also felt that the current signs were important for the individuality of the village.  PA was thanked for the work he does in erecting temporary signs for village and church events.

Boughton Fen (MP) attached

Frank Reid thanked MP and the Fen sub-committee for the hard work they had put in over the year.

There was discussion over the destination of the £700 accrued since 1999 from funding for the Fen, and the need for clear accountability for all funds. Councillors were asked for opinions on transferring the money over two years to the separate Fen account.  All councillors supported the move.  PA asked what effect it would have on future plans already budgeted for.  The Treasurer and the Chairman felt that fundraising during the year would be able to cover every foreseeable expense.

Questions from the floor:

Funding for emergencies: insurance and a fund for this purpose at County level would cover this ( Colin Sampson agreed, and would provide details of the fund)

Management of grazing: no decision had yet been taken on the animals to be used.  Experienced views being sought and aiming for May 2009.

Fencing: legal channels were being pursued to make sure this would be possible. HLS funding would cover the expense.

Deer:  only 15% of the whole fen would be fenced and NE advice taken.  The lower fen was not currently viable for grazing

Legacy: it was pointed out that the Fen renewal would bring benefits not only to the current generation but to the future generations of local people.

Proposal that £350 be transferred to the Fen Account for the next two years.  Carried nem.con.


7. Treasurer’s Report: copy of accounts attached.

The accounts had been audited and balanced.  There were thanks for donations from Mr & Mrs Armsby and the BVC. Legal fees figured in the accounts because of the ongoing attempt to prove parish ownership of two parcels of land.  For future accounts the Fen Account would be delivered separately, as an annex to the main PC accounts.

The accounts were adopted - proposed P. Wakeling, seconded P. Agate.

Matters arising from the accounts:

  1. insurance renewal – the  play area insurance was currently funded separately, but would eventually be the responsibility of the PC.
  2. Fundraising: the Jazz picnic at the Old Rectory on August 30th
  3. Parish land and rent: this was more complex than expected. In 1803 the surveyors of roads of Boughton had been granted the rights to the chalk and gravel pits for materials. In 1862 this responsibility had been handed to the new Rural District Councils.  In 1929 Highways became a County responsibility, and what happened after that was still being pursued. There were several other parishes in similar situations, and there was obviously more work to be done on unravelling the details.  The Treasurer proposed that the current tenants ( G. Proctor & T. Payne) be asked to pay £50 pa at the moment. They were agreeable to this arrangement and the meeting accepted the proposal.  A. Proctor disagreed and said that the parish did not own the land, which had been in the Proctor family for several generations and the matter was in the hands of solicitors.

The Audit Commission required an external auditor for the Parish accounts. Tim Madgwick had agreed to be auditor again.  This was agreed by the PC, with thanks to TM. 


Frank Reid expressed the thanks of the Parish Council and the village for the work done by Paul Coulten as Treasurer and as Parish Clerk (honorary)


8. Planning: There were no current proposals to consider.


9. Correspondence:  1. The Local Government Review had proposed two unitary authorities, and there were nine different options.  There would be a meeting on Wednesday 9th July in King’s Lynn to discuss this ( 6-8pm)

2. There was a request from the Samaritans for a donation, and £10 was agreed.


10. Pride in Norfolk 2008: Kevin Fisher reported that the village had been entered in the under 500 population category once again, and also for the Hayden Shield for green spaces.  A decision was expected in May. Frank Reid suggested that if the village reaches the final, a presentation in the church would be appropriate, with representatives from all areas of the village.


11. Questions from the floor

Speeding – it was suggested that speed traps should be placed in different  places at different times – already arranged.  Traffic calming measures were suggested, but no great enthusiasm was found for them.  Councillor Sampson is on the Southern area road safety committee and would do what he could to help.  A reduced speed limit was also suggested. Frank Reid reported that he had already arranged for the ‘Make Sam Smile’ mobile speed trap to come to the village.  It was suggested that speed information should be co-ordinated with the village sign, to avoid too many signs in a rural village.

Signs: the existing signs were to be refurbished by general agreement. The signs need refacing and making straight where the posts were slipping.

Grass:  Dave Cooper wanted the work that Frank Reid puts into cutting the grass and keeping the green tidy to be recorded in the minutes. This was agreed by all with thanks.

Hog Roast: Mrs Saunders requested permission of the PC for her to seek to have The Green closed on the occasion of the village hog roast on July 12th.  This was agreed.


The meeting closed at 7.53pm